LUNCH at the Edison Hotel Cafe

The EDISON HOTEL in Times Square……..midtown Manhattan……..a campy place to stay in NY.

The hotel was built in 1931 and has the classic look and feel of an Old New York City Hotel…….very Art Deco in design.

The lobby echoes  the same grand style of  Radio City Music Hall.  Deco all the way.

The murals are a camp !  Empire State Building looms in the background.

Specially woven carpet copies the original from 1930.

CORNUCOPIA………the mural designed by Roman Gregory Chatov .  He also made a large hand-painted silk shawl for the dancer Isadora Duncan……….the very one that strangled her to death when it got caught in the hub cap of the car she was riding in.


Sitting at the counter is fun…..try the KASHA VARNISHKES…..just one will do it.  It’s a Jewish thing…..kasha, noodles and onions fried in chicken fat.

Choose any booth………..all bring an experience.

“Buenos dias…..may I take your order” ?

 Diner coffee……..but a cut above the usual.  MILK not cream!

Lemon coke…..instead of an “egg creme”.

Burger burned to a crisp…….akin to shoe leather.  But, who cares?  

  The egg salad was a better choice……..crispy bacon …….lettuce and tomato.  Yummy.

Frozen………..deep fried……..just like they should be in a NY diner.

My luncheon guest knew what to do with them.

Matilda….the campy waitress fits right in.

Bud in the bottle…….not on tap.  I will return !Radio City Music Hall,

One response to “LUNCH at the Edison Hotel Cafe

  1. This was really fun. I enjoyed the photos of all the deco renovation and I’m a fan of the Radio City lobby (as well as all the dark and dusty corners).


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